Our Christian Book Publishers Story

Who We Are As Christian Book Publishers

The Why Jesus Book Series is a collaboration of artists, writers, entrepreneurs, publishers, and Jesus-loving people who have come together to share stories, essays, and Christian testimonies worldwide through a series of books that speak to practically every area of life.

Learn how to share your testimony with others!

Our Story

how to share your testimony
We believe it is vital that the evidence of who Jesus is and what He has done be known to the world. The power of written and read inspirational christian stories testify to the truth of what Jesus has done in our generation. Following the examples set by the early church to “write” the things we have seen and heard is what has inspired this international series. We encourage you to learn how to share your testimony and allow others to experience Why Jesus!

Psalm 45:1 says,

My heart is inditing a good matter: I speak of the things which I have made touching the king: my tongue is the pen of a ready writer.

The Why Jesus Book Series is how to share your testimony with the world!

Meet Our Team

The Christian Book Publishers Behind the Books

Christian book publishers - William Owens

William Owens, Director of Publications

Steven Hotze, Key Sponsor

Christian book publishers - Woody Winchell

Woody Winchell, Instructor

Christian book publishers - Ogechi Serah

Ogechi Serah, Writer, Content Creator

Christian book publishers - Rise Maboloc

Rise Maboloc, Video Editor

Ways you can be involved

Submit A Working Title

Why not take a small step and submit a working title of what you would name your Christian story? What could be more fulfilling than sharing your faith about what Jesus has done in your life. Your Story provides evidence of Why Jesus!





Become an Assessor

Hundreds of entrants will seek to have their christian short stories included in The Why Jesus Book Series. These entrants will require qualified people to participate on various levels as assessors who provide their input and feedback in reviewing these entries.



Learn about the 14 current categories of Books

This internatinal book series touches on every sector of society. From politics to performing arts. Family, marriage, men, false doctrine, and more. There is a topic that will speak to every born-again believer who wants to learn how to share their testimony of what God has revealed to them

Promotional Partners

People all over the world will come to discover this book series not only through social media but especially through our Promotional Partners. If you have a Podcast, YouTube Channel, or other platform with a Christian audience, we need you to share this vision with them.
Learn More and apply here.

Distribution Affiliate

We, as Christian book publishers, have established a distribution system outside the system. The most potent form of marketing is not online or even AI. It is people—word of mouth—and that will never change. While using every means available to share this book series, it will always start with PEOPLE. That is what “Through People” has always been called to do. 

More information coming soon

Attend the Webinar

Register to attend the upcoming FREE webinar that shares in details how you could be selected to be potentially included in one of our books. You will also learn how to share your testimony in a way so it’s ready to be published.

Register Now (Coming Soon)

Creating the World’s Largest Collection of True Christian Stories, Essays, & Testimonies

Behind The Scenes In Rome