Your testimony or spiritual journey can be the light that guides others out of darkness
Did you know that over 2 billion people have never heard the true story of Jesus? What if your spiritual journey could change that?
September 14, 2024 at Glorious Way Church, Houston, TX from 9 AM - 1 PM
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Share your spiritual journey, Christian testimony, struggles, and your triumphs in faith.
Submit Your Christian Testimony, Spiritual Journey, Story, Or, Essay. It Could Be Selected To Be Published In One Of These Books!
What God has done in your life through Jesus Christ can never be taken away from you. It is your Christian testimony that will follow you into eternity. This is perhaps the first collection of Christian testimonies, spiritual journeys, stories, and essays ever collected in our lifetime that will declare Why Jesus is Who He is, Why He is, and Where He is – inside the believer. This series of books will include such writings by Christians worldwide, and your story, essay, or Christian testimony could contribute to one or more of these titles. Attend one of our upcoming webinars to learn more on how to share your testimony.
Ways You Can Be Involved
Learn about the 14 current categories of Books
This internatinal book series touches on every sector of society. From politics to performing arts. Family, marriage, men, false doctrine, and more. There is a topic that will speak to every born-again believer who is moved to express what God has revealed to them.
Become an Assessor
Hundreds of entrants will seek to have their story, essay, or Christian testimony included in The Why Jesus Book Series. These entrants will require qualified people to participate on various levels as assessors who provide their input and feedback in reviewing these entries.
Submit A Working Title
Why not take a small step and submit a working title of what you would name your spiritual journey? What could be more fulfilling than to have your story, essay, or Christian testimony about what Jesus has done in your life. Your inspirational christian story provides evidence of Why Jesus!
It's Time to Tell Our Christian Testimony
Psalm 45:1 says,
My heart is inditing a good matter: I speak of the things which I have made touching the king: my tongue is the pen of a ready writer.
The spiritual journey that speaks to your heart, is the story, essay, or Christian testimony you need to write about.
Kingdoms are in deep conflict as we witness the culmination of the end times unfold with prophetic accuracy. Just as Jesus predicted, wars and rumors of wars, pestilence, earthquakes, perplexities, and men becoming lovers of themselves more than God. The political landscape is polluted with injustice, and nations’ spiritual health has revealed its failure to bring the tranquil peace that only King Jesus offers
We must use every possible platform to share the eternal gift of salvation, and there is nothing more powerful than a personal testimony of what that means. A testimony focuses directly on “why faith in Jesus matters” and how that has transcended every area of your life. Whether it is throughout your day, week, month, year, or life, read Why My Faith in Jesus Matters.
Poets express their hearts with a unique selection of words and rhythms that are their own. The art form of poetry has no equal in capturing the essence of truth and presenting it outside the usual grammatical standards. With this in mind, Poets for the Nations presents poetry that aims to express eternal hope within the reality of despair that grips the soul.